Each city has its own charm, its grace and of course its absurd, special sides. It's called "urban authenticity" then. Especially in Munich, these local peculiarities can be found in every neighborhood.

Giesing is different than Schwabing, and Schwabing is different from Nymphenburg.  Nymphenburg is so different from the Westend or the Harras. And all are different than Haidhausen. But they all have one thing in common: they are not only very hospitable, but they are also extremely polite to every visitor.

That can sometimes take on very special traits: Have you ever heard of the "Grant"?  That's the Munich blues. He shows up at men over 50, who are very caught up in their minds. If you talk to them, it will take some time until a communicative altitude is reached.  And even then they will be very hesitant to give an answer. That's not because you startled him out of a deeper train of thought. It is more a way of life, to see the world skeptical and with skillful sullenness, but not without irony.  But you can be sure: in front of you is a genuine Munich, whose family has been living at the Isar for at least 200 years. A true Native Bavarian.

The people of Munich, who have been living here for only 150 years, in other words by Roman standards, the „Zugroasten“ are characterized above all by cosmopolitanism and a high degree of active liberalism.

What exactly does it look like?  I'll tell you if you contact me: