Man does not live from wine alone. Bread is always part of it. But bread is not the same as bread. Who knows better than baker Julius Brantner in Adalbertstrasse? However, Brantner is not just a baker, but a wonderful quality extremist. “If you want to create the same quality every day as a baker, you have to be extremely good at handling dough. It takes practice to create an excellent product without additives or aids. So the challenge of my job is not just to reach an excellent level, but to keep it every day, ”says the resourceful man, for whom biochemical processes in bread creation are a real concern.

The famous sourdough - that's the basis for Brantner's bread. It ferments and takes in the air in the bakery. The rest is Brantner's big, best kept secret. This secret unfolds incomparably in Brantner's art of taste for successful everyday life - be it in the rye bread with fermented apples, the Munich loaf, whose engaging fragrance comes from fennel, anise, coriander and caraway. Or at Konrads Krusti, the Munich hand roll or in Julius Brantner's personal favorite: the organic bread trade 25, which owes its unsurpassed aroma to an unusually long ripening time of 48 hours.

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