There is a magic word that seems to have gone a little out of style in recent years: magic. It is not entirely wrong to believe that rooms have an influence on how we think and feel. It is precisely here that new, perhaps even extraordinary, thoughts can flourish that are simply different from the usual thoughts. They change perspectives, create new perspectives - in short: these rooms are simply magical.

The American psychologist Sam Gosling was able to prove, for example, that personality is revealed through our apartment and its interior. That is why it is particularly important to find the right apartment or house in order - in the truest sense of the word - to develop your own self. You want to be able to receive friends and family, an apartment has to invite people to talk.

This is especially true in this gray epoch of Corona, where we are all very dependent on good living space in order to survive these sometimes very paralyzing times sensibly. But what does reasonable mean in this case? Corona is a long pause - not just for governments and companies. Also for yourself. What's next? Am I prepared for new times myself? What do I take with me, what do I leave behind? Such strategies are best thought through at home.

You can get more answers to such questions from Andy Fox, Relocation Consultant and Coach: https://andyfoxrealocationbooking.as.me/